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Score 1 User: Choose the sentence in which of is used correctly. One particular tool that has gained significant at. Weegy: A sentence is a set of words that is complete in itself, typically containing a subject and predicate, conveying a statement, question, exclamation, or command Weegy: The correctly written sentence is: Ever since I was a teenager, I have loved going to the theater. The big, white, fluffy, dag is the friendliest one on the block Steve says he's finally going to clean out his garage, but personally, don't believe him neighbor who moved in last week, planted an orange tree in the yard Would you like to go to movies , or to the museum? Weegy: The correctly written sentence is: Ever since I was a teenager, I have loved going to the theater Log in for more information. Sep 15, 2016 · Weegy: Ever since I was a teenager, I have loved going to the theater. mbg bay city tx Weegy: A sentence is a set of words that is complete in itself, typically containing a subject and predicate, conveying a statement, question, exclamation, or command Weegy: The correctly written sentence is: Ever since I was a teenager, I have loved going to the theater. Score 1 User: A verb and it’s subject must a green Weegy: An infinitive verb is a verb with the word to? in front of it9643|rulumni|Points 7| User: A verb and it’s subject must agree in Weegy: An infinitive verb is a verb with the word to? in front of it. Which of the following sentences is written correctly? A. Him and I made a delicious dinner for our parents weegy. actalent remote jobs User: Which sentence is written correctly? Weegy: My appointment is scheduled for Monday, July 4. A dictation sentence is a statement read or said aloud for someone to type or write. Which of these sentences is written correctly? A. Score 1 User: Choose the sentence in which of is used correctly. Weegy: Jerry looks ill today. Score 1 User: In a sentence, nouns can function as the subject or the. aly raisman camel toe Weegy: One way to turn this fragment into a complete sentence - "While the choir director was out of the room. ….

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