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26 marca 1973 w Lansing) – amerykański programista,?

Lawrence Edward Page, beter bekend als Larry Page (Lansing (Michigan), 26 maart 1973), is een van de oprichters van Google Inc. Eric Schmidt (l), Sergey Brin (m), Larry Page (r). Coloring pages are a great way to help kids learn and have fun at the same time. aastal, kui valdkonda alles loodi, ning töötas Larry lapsepõlves informaatikaprofessorina Michigani osariigi ülikoolis. groups following reality tv stars crossword clue Larry PAGE [pejĝ] (naskiĝis la 26-an de marto 1973) estas usona komputikisto, unu el la du inventistoj de Google, kiun li kreis kun Sergej Brin dum 1996 - 1998, kiam ili estis studentoj ĉe Stanford. Në 4 prill, 2011, ai mori rolin e shefit ekzekutues të Google, zëvendësoj Eric Schmidt. Tema isa Carl Vincent Page sai doktorikraadi informaatikas Michigani Ülikoolis 1965. [ 3 ] Larry Tagg is an American rock musician, songwriter and producer; a retired high school English and drama teacher; and also an American Civil War historian. In today’s digital age, information is just a click away. leslie mann hot pics Larry Page dilahirkan di Lansing, Michigan, ayahnya Carl Page dan ibunya, Gloria, adalah seorang Yahudi dan profesor Ph di bidang Komputer Sains di Universitas Negeri Michigan. When he was only six years old, his father left him in a boarding house in. Larry er fæddur i Lansing í Michigan-fylki í Bandaríkjunum og er með gráðu í tölvunafræði frá Stanford háskóla Forbes er Larry 27. He is also amongst the top 10 world’s wealthiest individuals. Mom; Larry, a character in the 2012 American comedy film This Is 40 Lawrence "Larry" Edward Page (East Lansing, Míchigan, 26 de marzo de 1973) es un ingeniero en computación y empresario estadounidense de origen judío, creador junto con Serguéi Brin de Google. dehow to accept friend request rdr2 online Lawrence "Larry" Page[1] (born March 26th, 1973) is an American computer scientist and internet entrepreneur who, with Sergey Brin, is best known as the co-founder of Google. ….

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